Shabbos Tisch at Rabbi Shfra's house
Friday, July 19, 2024 • 13 Tammuz 5784
Please bring your own dinnerware. We are working together to create a zero-waste culture, and although that is a work in progress, we strongly encourage participants to avoid bringing single use disposable items and rather to bring their own plates, cups, silverware, cloth napkins, and serving utensils.
Rachel Kliger has provided these place setting carrier suggestions showing how many people used to attend potlucks and picnics before disposables.
It is very helpful if you RSVP so Rabbi Shifra knows how many chairs and tables to set up, but everyone is welcome, even at the last minute.
We will be outdoors, so please bring layers, as the weather is likely to shift from sunny and hot to foggy and cold.
This is a rustic environment with many tripping hazards, so please be extra cautious as you navigate the property.
This is an all ages, kid friendly event.

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