Meeting of the Santa Cruz Jewish Genealogy Society on Zoom
Sunday, April 7, 2024 • 28 Adar II 5784
1:00 PM - 2:00 PMSephardic Genealogy Overview: Strategies, Resources and Tools
Speaker: Jeff Malka, Creator of SephardicGen
Come learn about Sephardic genealogy with Jeff Malka, an internationally known authority on Sephardic genealogy. If you have Sephardic ancestry this presentation is a must.
After a brief historical overview and timeline of the Jews in Iberia, Malka will speak about Sephardic languages, culture, and religious customs as we learn the differences and similarities between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish genealogy.
Malka will share resources and tools for researching our Sephardic ancestry. Spain has extensive pre-expulsion archives where everyday Jews can be easily identified. Learn how to read and interpret these documents and the importance of understanding medieval name variants. Resources discussed will include online, digital and archival record collections, Sephardic surname repositories, Spanish archival records, specific websites, libraries and books.
About Jeff Malka
Jeff Malka is the author of "Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World” and the recently published 3-volume compendium 'Sephardic Surnames Index of Research Sources: A Research Aid'. Malka is an internationally known authority on Sephardic genealogy. Malka was the recipient of the International Association of Genealogical Societies Lifetime Achievement Award in 2002. Descended from a long line of Sephardic rabbis, Dr. Jeff Malka has accumulated unique expertise in the resources available to Sephardic genealogists while researching his roots.
Non-members pay $5.00 Zoom link will be sent the week of the event. Members automatically receive a Zoom link. Register
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