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Wish List



The following are titles we hope to add to the collection, either as replacements for items that have gone missing or will complete sets already in the library, or new items that would make valuable additions.  These lists are works-in-progress and updated as we review and assess the collection.



Missing / Replacements –  If you have these books – or any books from the Temple – please return them as soon as possible.  When books are "borrowed" without being checked out, we have no idea when – or if – they will be returned and, therefore must consider them "missing" (i.e., stolen).  After waiting a reasonable time, we may purchase replacements, incurring unnecessary costs to our community, or decide to do without a copy, depriving access to others.

The Five Books of Moses • Everett Fox
Troubling the Waters: Black-Jewish Relations ... • Greenberg
Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew • Simon, Anderson

A Day Apart: Shabbat at Home • Zion, Fields-Meyer
Companion Guide to the Rosh Hashanah Prayer Service • Sorscher
Early Kabbalah • Dan, Kiener
Pain • Zeruya Shalev

Herzl  • Beller
Soros • Kaufman
Woman of Valor • Steinsaltz, Tordjman, Swirsky
The Jewish Political Tradition: vol 2: Membership •  Walzer
God at the Edge •  Goldstein
Healing Psalms •  Haberman

Children's Books

All-of-a-Kind Family • Taylor
Sukkot and Simhat Torah • Grishaver
Let's Build a Sukkah • Wikler, Groner

Hanukkah • Chaikin
My Very Own Chanukah Book • Saypol, Wikler
Poppy Seeds, Too • Miller
On the Other Side of the Gate • Suhl


New Titles – If you own a copy of any of these and would like to donate it to the Temple library, or are willing to buy a copy to donate, please contact us to coordinate your gift.

Reform Judaism - URJ press

Growing Jewish Minds, Growing Jewish Souls • Kress
Holy Days Holy Ways • Harper
For the Sake of Zion, Reform Zionism: A Personal Mission • Hirsch
Lirdof Tzedek: A Guide to Synagogue Social Action • Schlensky
The Book of Job: a modern translation and commentary • Kravitz / Olitzky
Shir Hashirim: a modern commentary on Song of Songs • Kravitz 
Eichah: A Modern Commentary on Lamentations • Kravitz / Olitzky
Esther: A Modern Commentary • Kravitz / Olitzky
Jonah : A Modern Commentary • Kravitz / Olitzky
Kohelet : A Modern Commentary on Ecclesiastes • Kravitz / Olitzky

Torah, Prayer, Observance, Holidays ....
Pritzker Zohar -  8 v. • Matt –
note: we have vol. 3
The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve • Greenblatt 
And God Spoke These Words • Sonsino

The Heart of Torah, vols 1 & 2 •  Held
A Guide to Jewish Practice: Vol. 1; Everyday Living • Teutsch

Outside the Bible, Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture - 3 v.
Davening: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Prayer • Schachter-Shalomi
Kaddish: Women's Voices • Smart / Ashkenas
A Guide to the Complex: Contemporary Halakhic Debates • Brody

Illustrated Pirkei Avot : A Graphic Novel of Jewish Ethics • Deutsch

JPS Commentaries
Song of Songs • Fishbane

Ruth • Frymer-Kensky & Eskenazi
Haggadah • Tabory

HISTORY, Holocaust, Biography ...
The Coming of the Holocaust • Kenez
Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? • Rosen
Human Rights After Hitler • Plesch
The Wonder of Their Voices  • Mayer
The Survivors Club: a very young prisoner in Auschwitz • Holinstat
Behind Enemy Lines: ... French Jewish Spy in Nazi Germany  • Cohn/Holden

Anne Frank: The Book, the Life, the Afterlife • Prose

American Jewish Women's History: A Reader • Nadell
People of the Book: Five Hundred Years of the Hebrew Book from the Beginning • Aaronson

The Unbroken Chain • Rosenstein
A Rosenberg By Any Other Name • Femaglich
A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames From the Kingdom of Poland • Beider
The Fall of a Sparrow: The Life and Times of Abba Kovner • Porat
Maimonides: Life and Thought • Halbertal
Emma Goldman: Revolution as a Way of Life • Gornick
Hayim Naham Bialik: Poet of Hebrew • Holtzman
Black Zion • Deutsch

The Price of Whiteness • Goldstein
How Jews Became White Folk  • Sacks
From Swastika to Jim Crow • Edgcomb

Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn • Gordis
Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle For Israel, 1917-1947 • Hoffman
Nine Lives of Israel • Schwartzwald
The Making of Modern Zionism • Avineri
The Dream of Zion: The Story of the First Zionist Congress  • Epstein
The Founding Fathers of Zionism • Benzion Netanyahu

CULTURE, Jewish Living, Cookbooks, Music, etc
Jewish Comix Anthology • Bergson
Classic Cuisine of the Italian Jews • Machlin

New Jewish Cuisine: Contemporary Kosher Cooking from Around the World • Sobell

Wise and Not So Wise: Ten Tales of the Rabbis •  Gershator
Abuelita's Secret Matzahs • Sasso
Bubbe's Belated Bat Mitzvah •  Pinson
Queen of Likes •  Homzie
When Hurricane Katrina Hit Home •  Karwoski
Viva, Rose! •  Krawitz
God Bless America: The Story of ... Irving Berlin • Nuchi
Write On, Irving Berlin! • Kimmelman

​​​Big Sam: A Rosh Hashanah Tall Tale • Kimmel
A Poem for Peter •  Pinkney
The Snowy Day • Keats
Spinoza: The Outcast Thinker • Lehmann
How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less • Glidden
The Old Synagogue • Rosenblum

Solomon and the Ant • Oberman
Sadie's Lag Ba'Omer Mystery • Korngold
Thank You, Trees! • Karwoski
Noah's Ark • Spier
Star of Fear, Star of Hope • Hoestlandt

Tikkun Olam Ted •  Newman
Moti the Mitzvah Mouse • Newman
Lola Levine Is Not Mean! • Brown
Speak Up, Tommy! • Greene
New Moon • Raphael
New Moon, New Month
Let My Children Cook! •
HaKol BeSeder • Heifetz
Chicken Soup by Heart • Hershenhorn
Under the Sabbath Lamp • Herman
Yom Kippur Shortstop • Adler
Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas • Ehrenberg

LITERATURE ... Fiction, Poetry, etc.
Grand Hotel • Baum
Selected Poems and Prose of Paul Celan

Spice Box of Earth • Cohen
Fanny Herself • Ferber
Kaddish and other poems • Allan Ginsberg

I Would Have Saved Them If I Could • Michaels
Revealer of Secrets • Perl

Daughters of Sarah : ... Jewish Women Writing in French • Sartori

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785